Masterclasses and courses at universities and art schools

I have been developing and giving Sumi-e courses or masterclass with teamwork and with a Japanese theme (Haiku, short story, anime, manga….) adapting to the needs of each university or school of art.

Step 1 · Concept

Obtain the knowledge of the concept, brief history, materials and basic technicques of Sumi-e.

Step 2 · Practice of different techniques

Learn different techniques to paint different themes (bamboo, water, mo untains, trees, flowers, birds….) and develop techniques to apply in their own works.

Step 3 ·
Teamwork - visualization of scenarios

Teamwork: Each team creates a collective painting to visualize a Japanese theme (Haiku, story, anime, manga...) with the techniques learned.

Step 4 ·
Teamwork - Complete a collective painting

Teamwork: Each team finishes the collective painting using Japanese art materials (Shiki-shi, emaki/a rolled book….)

Courses and Masterclasses held

*Please click the link to see videos and pictures of each course.
01.2025    Batxillerat d’Arts – Institute Joan Ramon Bernaprès, Sitges, España (en inglés)
12.2024    L’idem Creative Art School, Barcelona
11.2024    Escola d’Art i Disseny de Tarragona, España, Barcelona
04.2024    Escola d’Art i Disseny de Tarragona, Spain
12.2023    L’idem Creative Art School, Barcelona, Spain
10.2023    Batxillerat d’Arts – Institute Joan Ramon Bernaprès, Sitges, Spain (in English)
02.2023    Escola d’Art i Disseny de Tarragona, Spain
12.2022    L’idem Creative Art School, Barcelona. Spain
01.2022    CIC Escola de Batxiellat Arts plàstiques i disseny, Barcelona, Spain
12.2021 L’idem Creative Art School, Barcelona, Spain
09-12.2021 Escola Massana, Barcelona, Spain
01.2021 CIC High School of Bellas artes and Design, Barcelona, Spain
12.2020 L’idem Creative Art School, Barcelona, Spain
01.2020 CIC High School of Bellas artes and Design, Barcelona, Spain
12.2019 L’idem Creative Art School, Barcelona, Spain
11.2019 L’idem Creative Art School, Perpignan, France
09-12.2019 Escola Massana, Barcleona, Barcelona, Spain
02.2019 L’idem Art School, Barcleona, Barcelona, Spain
12.2018 ELISAVA University School of Design and Engineering, Barcelona (in English)
12.2018 CIC High School of Bellas artes and Design, Barcelona
07.2018 Intensive Summer Course
Arsenal Municipal School of Art – Villafranca de Penedès, Spain
06.2018 Intensive Summer Course for Teachers
Municipal School of Art and Design – La Garriga, Spain
09.2016 Autonomous University of Barcelona
07.2016 Manolo Hugué Municipal School of Art – Caldes de Montbui, Spain



2021.12 L’Idem Art School Barcelona
Anime x Sumi-e

01.2022    CIC Escola de Batxiellat Arts plàstiques i disseny, Barcelona

2020.12 L’Idem Art School Barcelona
Taller de Sumi-e x Animación

2019.12 L’Idem Art School Barcelona
“En Sumi-e. el artista da tada el alma a la obra”

2019.11. L’Idem Art School Francia
Cinéma D’Animation Masterclass Cine avec Kaoru Hirose

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