Kaoru Hirose

Born in Tokushima, Japan, Kaoru is a certified Sumi-e artist and teacher by the International Sumi-e Association of Tokyo. She has given courses, demonstrations and exhibitions of Sumi-e at various universities, schools and other art institutions in Barcelona, Sitges, Berlin and other cities in Europe.

After living most of his life in Japan he moved to Canada, then to Germany, and since 2006 he has been living in Sitges, a beautiful Mediterranean town near Barcelona.

*Please click the link to see videos and pictures of each course.
   Escola d’Art i Disseny de Tarragona, Spain
12.2023    L’idem Creative Art School, Barcelona, Spain
10.2023    Batxillerat d’Arts – Institute Joan Ramon Bernaprès, Sitges, Spain (in English)
02.2023    Escola d’Art i Disseny de Tarragona, Spain
12.2022    L’idem Creative Art School, Barcelona. Spain
01.2022    CIC Escola de Batxiellat Arts plàstiques i disseny, Barcelona, Spain
12.2021 L’idem Creative Art School, Barcelona, Spain
09-12.2021 Escola Massana, Barcelona, Spain
01.2021 CIC High School of Bellas artes and Design, Barcelona, Spain
12.2020 L’idem Creative Art School, Barcelona, Spain
01.2020 CIC High School of Bellas artes and Design, Barcelona, Spain
12.2019 L’idem Creative Art School, Barcelona, Spain
11.2019 L’idem Creative Art School, Perpignan, France
09-12.2019 Escola Massana, Barcleona, Barcelona, Spain
02.2019 L’idem Art School, Barcleona, Barcelona, Spain
12.2018 ELISAVA University School of Design and Engineering, Barcelona (in English)
12.2018 CIC High School of Bellas artes and Design, Barcelona
07.2018 Intensive Summer Course
Arsenal Municipal School of Art – Villafranca de Penedès, Spain
06.2018 Intensive Summer Course for Teachers
Municipal School of Art and Design – La Garriga, Spain
09.2016 Autonomous University of Barcelona
07.2016 Manolo Hugué Municipal School of Art – Caldes de Montbui, Spain

2012-2015 Sumi-e teacher certificate. International Sumi-e Association – Tokyo, Japan
2010-2011 Postgraduate in International Cultural Cooperation and Management. University of Barcelona, Spain
1993-1998 Bachelor of Arts in Language and Culture . Teaching Certificate. Osaka University of Foreign Studies – Osaka, Japan

06-08.2022 “ともに – Juntos – Together” – Centro Cultural Miramar, Sitges, Sitges, Barcelona
03-05.2018 Miramar Cultural Centre, Sitges, Barcelona
11.2017 Aquí hi ha gat amagat, Centre Civic Pere Pruna – Barcelona
11.2017 Espació de Espíritu de Japón, Salon de Manga – Fira Barcelona
10.2016 Espació de Espíritu de Japón, Salon de Manga – Fira Barcelona
03.2016 La Quadra, Culture room- Santa Maria de Palautordera, Spain
10-12.2015 XXVIII Sanvisens Painting Competition – l’Edifici Miramar, Sitges, Barcelona
06.2013 Exposition of International Sumi-e Association – The National Art Center, Tokyo

02.2019 ESNE University School of Design, Innovation and Technology – Madrid.
04.2018 Sant Jordi Day Fair – Sitges.
01.2017 Umaicha Press Conference – Green-spot, Barcelona
03.2015 Korekara Japan – Mitte Barcelona
01.2015 Japanese Association New Year’s Party – Hotel Melià – Barcelona

“Sumi-e artists have the responsibility to spread this art”.

Radio Maricel
“L’art Sumi-e d’una japonesa de Sitges al Miramar”.

Canal Blau
**From 21:32

Eix Diari

06. 2022
Sitges Town Council

06. 2022
L’Eco de Sitges newspaper
“Sumi-e art is exhibited at Miramar”.

03. 2021
Newspaper l’Eco de Sitges
“Art and Dona alegria fent-lo i rebent-lo”.

03. 2020
TV3 – Televisió de Catalunya, Collaboration for
“Daniel Shiraishi: a very Japanese Brazilian”.

09. 2016
Periódico setmanari montbui “La pintura tradicional oriental”.

01. 2016 TV3 – Televisió de Catalunya “Ja t’ho faràs”.
http://www.ccma.cat/tv3/alacarta/ja-tho-faras/fet-a-ma-calligrafia-shodo-i-pintura-sumi-e/video/5576277/?platform=hootsuite# **From 1:52

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