Masterclass of Sumi-e at L’ldem Art School Barcelona

From December 18th to 20th of 2019, 3rd Animation students have completed a Sumi-e masterclass with Kaoru Hirose.

Over three days, our students have plunged into the universe of Sumi-E. After the introduction of the concept and history of this ancient technique, as well as the materials needed to practice it, they have done various exercises with the aim of applying the knowledge learned.

First they have painted individually elements of the Japanese landscape and vegetation: bamboo, water, mountains, trees, flowers and birds. Afterwards, they have done a team concept art. In this second exercise, they have visualized three scenarios of a traditional story from Japan. These practices have allowed them to become familiar with Japanese art and culture and to work with its essential elements: the rolled book, the Japanese story, the Japanese manga and anime, among others.

Kaoru Hirose: “En Sumi-e, el artista da toda el alma a la obra”.

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